Rapture of the Rose



She, who exudes the fragrance of divine love and is profuse in her beauty, is calling your name

During this journey we will be invoking and embodying the spirit of the rose – and those who know her mysteries intimately – to awaken the womb-heart of the sacred feminine.

The rose will be our ally. Our mistress. Our medicine.

We will immerse in her spiralling nature and drink of her fragrance. We will open ourselves to receive her wisdom and her medicine.


Each gathering will be a sumptuous temple night of ritual, suffused with delicious sensory delights, soul ravishment and deep feminine connection.

This will be an intimate group of women (12 places only).

Our venue is a cosy, luscious and private space that will be transformed into a lavish temple for our gatherings.

Each circle will include: 

☥Welcome blessing by Jasmine or her temple assistant
☥Centering, ritual + prayer
☥ Sacred chants + ecstatic song to invoke the spirit of the rose and her lineage
☥Rose wisdom transmissions
☥Sacraments of sensuality
☥Guided meditations and inner journeys to connect with the Rose and receive her medicine
☥ Deep, soulful sharing within our circle and in dyads
☥ Giving and receiving devotional touch
☥ Embodiment and invocational dance
☥ Practices and rituals for your home explorations between circles
☥ Dinner and time to connect after our ritual closes

🌹 5 x intimate temple nights

🌹 1 x bottle of red rose flower essence by sacred flower (valued at $25)

🌹 Offerings of high vibrational and pure rose oils and mists during our gatherings that will absolutely delight your senses

🌹 A bowl of wholesome, warm and homecooked (with love) nourishment for your belly – organic, vegetarian and ayurvedic style.

🌹A $30 voucher toward a 3-session package of 1:1 womb healing sessions in my temple

🌹 Private temple night invitations on the completion of this journey that are exclusive to “temple initiates”

This is perfect if you’ve been walking with the rose for some time, or are hearing the call for the first time – though chances are, your connection will feel ancient. If it is for you – you will know it!


“Jasmine is a way-shower for women who long to dive into their depths and drink from the deep well of sisterhood. Creating space for women to show up and be seen, heard and held in every inch of their authentic self, to (re)discover all the parts that have been neglected or never acknowledged. A warrior-ess of divine Shakti force who empowers women to reclaim and relish in their soft, wild, unapologetic pleasure state.”  –  Katie

“Thanks again for temple night, it has helped remind me to bring softness & richness back into daily life – and that you can find it in the most simplest of pleasures. I also loved that it is a place to connect on an authentic, unguarded and deeply nourishing way…. It is one of the only places I’ve been able to truly be my whole self… bared all… usually I hide behind a mask afraid that if I’m truly myself people will turn away from me.” – Shanti

“Energy doesn’t lie and it’s easy to see that Jasmine is a powerful embodiment and ambassador of the Divine Shakti essence. I found her to be the perfect guide to lead me deeper into the myriad aspects of my core feminine and reconnect with my desire, my sensuality, my body wisdom and pleasure. Jasmine’s guidance, wisdom and energetic presence provide a key code for women who are looking to re-enter the secret chambers of their innate abundance and experience the ecstatic presence within their bodies.” – Andrea

Here is a poem I wrote recently that captures the essence of this journey perfectly:


You are prized for your beauty
But have they truly seen you?
Your sublime appearance is but a taste
Of what you will reveal
If you are truly revered

Your endless spiralling enchants
like a temple dancer

Hypnotising with your beauty
Intoxicating with your fragrance

Subduing the mind
Awakening the heart
Activating the body

Deep in the folds of a rose are the shadows
The dark velvety depths
Daring you to enter
To know her more deeply

You may know her by name
But do you know her essence?

Have you traced her roots deep into the earth? Have you followed her lineage back in time
to the ones who knew her mysteries intimately?

Do you long to truly see her for who she is?

For she longs to reveal to you
Who you really are. 🌹