Fire of the Goddess – 9 week (online) shakti temple

Temple of Shakti: Tending the Flame of the Feminine

A 9-Week Live Shakti Empowerment (online) with Jasmine Rose beginning October 25

Woman— the world needs your Shakti fire.  🔥

The fire of the Goddess lives in every woman. Yet sadly this flame of 𝒔𝒉𝒂𝒌𝒕𝒊 is often left untended. 

You are here to burn BRIGHT, to reveal your radiance, and to emanate that unmistakable lustre of a woman walking her path of truth with passion, devotion and unwavering commitment. 🔥

Is it time to rekindle this fire within you? To reveal your true feminine radiance?

We often think of the Feminine as soft and receptive, but she is also a force— the power to birth, create, and protect.

Are you here to tend the flame of the Feminine? For yourself, and for the world?

A woman who is connected to this fire walks with confidence and oozes radiance. She knows her feminine power, her creativity, her passion, and her deep, primal wisdom.

Is it time to rekindle this fire within you? To reveal your true feminine radiance?

Perhaps you have a vision—a creation calling to be born.
The time is now. And you know it.

But sister, this path is not walked alone. Perhaps that’s why you are here.

I am calling in a coven of magical women who are fully here the flame of the Feminine. No more hiding!


Are you ready to join us?

Perhaps you’ve shied away from your power, or like my younger self, have a habit of giving it away.  Maybe you exaggerate your power, and are learning to wield your fire in healthy ways. In this journey we will learn both the art of containment and expression of our shakti fire.

As women we’ve been taught to fear our power, our fierceness, our fire. But here, in this temple of shakti, we revere the fierce feminine. Together, we will reclaim her. Here, we live in devotion to the Shakti fire, surrounded by kindred sisters of the flame. This can be as vulnerable as it is empowering, so know you will be held with a lot of love and care here. 

Expect to feel a surge of vitality, joy and creativity throughout this journey – and beyond!! Tending this sacred fire is what unlocks your feminine radiance and your joie de vivre.

What You’ll Experience in Fire of the Goddess

This 9-week journey offers powerful practices to ignite your feminine fire and transform your life (and in turn, the world!)

🔥 Learn what it is to be a keeper of the flame – discover your unique way of tending the fire of the feminine
🔥 Somatic practices – attuning with your fire and its wisdom through the body
🔥 Womb-Voice Activation –   Discover the power of sounding & speaking from your depths as woman
🔥 Ancestral Connection – Receive wisdom from the keepers of the flame in your lineage
🔥 Unlocking the power in your desires– Getting honest about what you really want
🔥 Sacred Rage & Healthy Anger – experience their transformative power and liberate shakti for your vitality
🔥 Embodying the Protectress– Being a fierce mother to our inner child, and the guardian and protectress of what we truly love in this world.
🔥 Meeting the boldest version of yourself and letting her guide your path now.
🔥 Shakti Yoga Practices – to awaken your feminine fire in embodied, empowering ways (including womb + ovarian activation practices)
🔥 Goddess Mythology & embodiment – Encounters with Durga, the Dakinis, and other fierce feminine archetypes
🔥 Fire Rituals – rites of renewal to experience the transfiguring power of fire and give life to your deepest intentions and desires

*Most of all, this is a living transmission – this is not a scripted, pre-planned course – but a real-time temple of women.  I will be listening and intuitively responding to the energy of our unique group. This is part of what makes this journey powerful, so I ask that you trust the process.

Who is This For?

This journey is for you if:

🔥 You’re ready for a profound change and committed to your personal evolution
🔥 You resonate with or remember being a “Keeper of the Flame”
🔥 You have a dream, vision, or creative project you’re ready to bring to life
🔥 You’re done with living based on “shoulds” and are ready to live your authentic, soul-aligned life
🔥 You’re burnt out and rest isn’t helping
🔥 You know you’re here to live in reverence to the Sacred Feminine, and want to be initiated into the next level on your path
🔥 You long to remember a uniquely feminine way of being in service, without sacrificing your softness
🔥 You long to be part of a sisterhood devoted to empowering the Feminine
🔥 You feel called to step into leadership, visibility, and bold, soul-aligned action
🔥 You’re ready to reclaim your passion, creativity, and inner fire

What’s Included:

  • Weekly 2-hour calls every Friday at 10 AM AEST (replays available) with sharing/Q&A time (mostly transmissions plus a couple of Shakti Yoga practice retreats)

  • Inspiring resources you will actually love and use – everyone loves my playlists!! And they’re on offer here in this container.

  • A Supportive Group Container – 9 weeks of sisterhood and support via group chat. We’re all here to fan each other’s flames. It’s going to get hot in here!

  • 1-year of access to the 7-Week Shakti Yoga Online Immersion (Valued at $285 AUD)

  • Weekly Rituals & Challenges – because the transformation we long for happens when we show up for it.

  • Optional 1:1 Mentoring Upgrade: “Queen of the Flame” – For personalized guidance and deeper transformation

  • Bonus extras + surprises along the way- because that’s how I roll



The 2-hour live calls will be part-transmission, part-practice (Somatic exploration and enquiry) + space for sharing and Q & A. Expect to feel invigorated, inspired and alight!

Can’t make it live? That’s okay – you’ll receive the recording soon after and will be invited to interact within our group chat in real time.

Sign up today and feel the power of your commitment ignite  🔥

We begin on October 25,  and travel right through to summer solstice (winter for some of you) as the light is peaking (northern hemisphere sisters will tend the flame of shakti as you usher in the darkest nights) – powerful timing either way!


$599 AUD if paid upfront 
Payment plan available (Two installments of $329 AUD). If you need an extended payment plan, please write to me with your request

Considering signing up for the Shakti Yoga Teacher Training? I will GIFT you a place in Fire of the Goddess if you enroll before October 25. 

Are you ready to ignite your fire, exude feminine radiance and join an epic community of women?


Important Note: This program is a sacred space for deep empowerment, but it is not a substitute for therapy or professional mental health support. If you have active, unaddressed trauma or find that the practices we explore feel triggering, this may not be the right container for you at this time. Please honor your own healing process and seek out the professional guidance you may need.