Women’s temple

There is such a tremendous power - Shakti - that lies within each woman;
Uniquely expressed, and yet universally present

The power to create
to heal
To love
To awaken

It can so easily be forgotten

Yet sitting in circle stirs an ancient remembering

We remind each other
Together we call home all that has been banished
through our voice, our bodies and the power of our hearts’ longing

In sacred space, we enter into a timelessness
Magic happens

To bow before She
Is to accept your divinity;
The Love that adores
absolutely all of you
without exception

To honour your heartbreak as holy
Is to say YES to life

To lean into the embrace of another
Is to acknowledge we were not meant to do this alone

To tell your story even though you stomach churns
Is to choose healing through being heard

To let tears fall
is to reveal the glory of your heart

To caress your flesh
Is to honour the sacredness of all of life

This temple of our body
The sacred centre of our heart
And the potent portal of our womb
Contain our deepest knowing

I offer deep-dive journeys for women ready to show up in a circle of women and drink deep from the fruits of their devotion to the temple practices and the powerful vortex of Shakti we co-create.

Once in a while I offer one-off temple nights which are an entry-point into my longer temple journeys.

Please join my email list if you'd like to stay updated with new offerings. You can also book me for a private event.

On temple nights we drink deep from the nectar of sisterhood, ritual and embodiment practices, emerging lighter, brighter and with a signature temple night glow (that usually lasts for days!)


A sacred circle of women can be an immense source of strength as well as a place of sanctuary where we can come as we are, share deeply and land in our bodies, tending to whatever is calling for our loving presence in a space of deep listening.

The women's temple is an invitation to:

▽ Gather in a sacred space with like-hearted sisters and celebrate the richness of being a woman

▽ Take time for deep inner listening and to be guided in simple practices that will allow you to access your inner knowing through your body and emotions

▽ Sensitise and access your body’s wisdom and to learn to feel and trust your intuition

Feel and embody Shakti - the divine feminine energy - as she manifests uniquely within you

Enter a sacred space and embrace  ritual - sparking an ancient remembrance of how women throughout time and place have gathered and healed together

▽ Cultivate an attitude of reverence for the divine feminine as she lives in you and in each and every woman - and in all of life!

▽ Show up authentically and to be seen, heard and held in that expression

▽ To practice and offer unconditional presence, support and acceptance in meeting other women in their authentic expression

Experience the deep nourishment for the feminine spirit


The Circle  includes ritual, guided meditation, movement,  embodiment practices, and sharing.


"Jasmine is absolutely compelling guide who has the perfect balance of sensitivity and strong boundaries needed to provide a safe container for sacred ceremonies. She has a wild, earthy connection to source. This combines with a masterful command of language and attention to tangible details (sensory, textural and aesthetic qualities) to allow her to craft a truly transcendent experience. Her work is infused with a love of humanity and deep respect for women and the environment." -Emma Healy

"Jasmine's temple nights get you back in touch with the bones, flesh, blood and essence of who you are. I believe these circles are so powerful because of how genuine Jasmine is. You can feel the effort and care that has gone into making each circle special. The safe, nourishing connection that happens in these small gatherings of women is so powerful and so needed. I always leave feeling full to bursting and the experience always stays with me for days/weeks afterwards. Messages show up all over the place. Its like a door has been opened. These women's circles are very special." Anna Menke

"Thanks again for temple night, it has helped remind me to bring softness & richness back into daily life - and that you can find it in the most simplest of pleasures. I also loved that it is a place to connect on an authentic, unguarded and deeply nourishing way.... After what feels like forever it was like that deep lioness within was drinking deeply from the shakti cup. It is so easy to give, and keep giving when being a mother of small children - it felt a little alien like to receive back.

Also, it is one of the only places I've been able to truly be my whole self... beared all... usually I hide behind a mask afraid that if I'm truly myself people will turn away from me." - Shanti

These beautiful gatherings of women are gentle and yet powerful. I experienced such a deep healing within myself; an awakening of sorts. Through the process certain truths were revealed which prompted me to make changes necessary to live in greater alignment with my truth. Thank you Jasmine for providing this sacred space! - Lynda

Jasmine’s Shakti circle has changed the way I view myself and other women. It has opened doors for me to discover and experience deeper layers of mySelf that I was unable to grasp by only practicing yoga asana and meditation. Upon entering the temple, I felt a wave of peacefulness wash over me and the vibrant Shakti energy was ready to be awakened. This feeling continued to flow through my body and into my life for days afterwards. Jasmine carefully weaves a beautiful evening full to the brim with ways we can connect with that deeper part of ourSelf. If you desire a deeper connection with your feminine energy and power, and also crave communion with other women who also feel the same way in a safe and nurturing environment, then this is for you! - Hayley

"I feel blessed to have found you, this beautiful circle and all that comes with it. I feel myself opening, feeling, loving, epxressing, supporting, steppign into my truth and power more and more, not only in circle bu tin my daily life. Thank you for t his beauitful sacred space and container, and ot tall the beautiful women who came. It's always perfect and exactly what we all need. Samantha.

The new-moon Shakti circles facilitated by Jasmine are absolutely gorgeous, rich, healing and nurturing experiences. Each time I have attended one, it has given me and my life a little reset, a breath of beautiful fresh air, clarity and peace that surrounds me for the following days and weeks. Jasmine is a brilliant facilitator. Such a unique, gentle, inspiring, intuitive, subtle, yet powerful woman. She supports and honours every woman in the circle, and expertly intuits and holds a beautiful, nurturing and transformative space.  Ambah

sisterhood, womb, women's circle