Musings, Sacred Feminine

Snake as a symbol of Feminine Energy

Have you ever felt erotically activated in the presence of a snake? Or perhaps a serpent vision or subtle realm experience?

I certainly have.

And I’ve heard women speak about this often. And indeed, snakes for me are very connected to awakened feminine sexuality.

We are now on the brink of the year of the snake - a powerful symbol of feminine awakening which is very dear to me as a woman on the path of the Goddess.

I feel that Snake has the power to tap us into the primal and the mystical. And that working with serpent energy demands respect, and a willingness to meet our shadow.

In Shakti Yoga, we activate both our animal intelligence AND the mystical intelligence that is more connected to our subtle body.

This subtle energy, which we could call Kundalini, can very much be unlocked through our physical body - especially the pelvis and the spine.

The spine connects our pelvis and our skull. It is the gateway through which orgasmic energy can stream when we take it beyond the genitals.

In Shakti Yoga practice we circulate energy through the spine, informed by Tantric and Taoist wisdom, and of course the natural wisdom of the body which has its own intelligence.


Spinal movements are key in Shakti Yoga, and most people are not accessing the full range of movement in their spines which is essential not only for our mobility, but our vitality (and yes - our more multdimenional orgasmic nature).

The movements in the pelvis also support to liberate stuck energy that we can transform into pure creative power, or shakti.

I've seen kundalini been commodified in a big way online over the last few years, often in a way that doesn’t always feel integral to me.

To me, she is a sacred force with her own perfect timing, not to be forced or imposed upon with our idea of timing, or to put into the hands of someone else (use your discernment)

On that note - deeper Shakti Yoga practice, much like what we do in the 9-month training is ALWAYS done alongside shadow work, self-enquiry and within a supportive circle with mature mentorship

We do a lot of groundwork to build our capacity to stay with sensation, energy and grow our ability to hold more - in a gradual and grounded way.

In Shakti Yoga we DON'T forcefully awaken this energy - we turn toward her with reverence,and align with her creative motion, trusting the instincts of the body that allow the voltage of this energy to move through without obstruction or resistance.


This is how we experience her incredible grace!!!

I feel a sense of duty to support women to be in right relationship with this inner power - our sacred life force.

And for this indwelling Goddess to receive the respect and reverence she deserves.




If you feel called to relate to this sacred feminine energy in an embodied and reverent way, then I invite you to join me for Sixteen Days of Shakti- it starts January 29th 2025.


If a deeper relationship with Shakti is speaking to you - this year's 9-month journey begins NEXT SATURDAY. You can certify as a Shakti Yoga Teacher, or join us for your own personal practice.

▽ Shakti Yoga Teacher Training - embodied feminine wisdom + womb-centered yoga


Get in touch if you want to chat about joining us!

🌹 Jasmine Rose

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