Sacred Feminine

My serpent awakening story

I vividly remember the time I first encountered a distinctly erotic feminine energy during meditation…

It was about 10 years ago and I’d just started my yoga teacher training and was a few weeks into meditating daily. 
.A whole new world was opening up to me and I was thirsty for experiencing the divine, having had next to none exposure to anything “spiritual” prior to that (unless you count going to a Catholic high school 😅). 

One morning I innocently sat in my sharehouse for meditation and not long after I closed my eyes I felt what I can only describe as an orgasm – only bigger, wider and deeper – surging within my pelvis. 🌊

It was ecstatically blissful, completely unexpected and began moving up into my heart which erupted into rapture.🌋 
My boyfriend at the time walked in on me (having absolutely no idea what was happening) and it all abruptly ended.

Knowing he would unlikely “get it” (because heck, neither did I), it remained my secret, and I didn’t say a word to my teachers either whose stance on sexual energy was more in line with my Catholic high school than my later Tantric teachers. 😅

I figured my experience must’ve been very ungodly 😅. I even ended the relationship with the said boyfriend and entered a period of celibacy, devoting myself fully to my yogic path – and with no regrets -those years were deeply transformative. I call them my “nun years”. 

Art by She Who Is

A few years later after travelling to Nepal and India to continue my immersion in yoga, I opened to relationship again, and ended up in a very toxic situation. 😖
.  Around the same time I was led to a very respected yoga teacher with a more tantric or you could say ‘passionate’ approach to awakening.

Through this dear yogi who was so filled with love, I became acquainted with Kundalini Devi – the serpent goddess in the base of the spine – and she continued to court me, somewhat wildly.

Everything that unfolded in my life around this time – including the chaos and destruction which I knew was also the Goddess at work (or play, rather!)- was clearing the way and awakening me to inner power that I didn’t know I had. ⚡️

It was a HUGE purification – such is the nature of kundalini. Having a teacher and a framework for what was moving through me (which would often literally move and jolt my body in meditation) helped IMMENSELY.

Everything that fell apart brought me to exactly where I needed to be- the forest abode where I currently live 🌳– the PERFECT place for this deep and messy process I was in (which went on for quite a while 😅). Mother Nature is truly the greatest healer and ally and I spent a lot (more) time in solitude. 

I proceeded to go deeper with another teacher I respected, Sally Kempton, journeying with the kundalini energy in a most deep and reverential way, journeying with the inner tantric yoga within an ancient lineage with fervour.🔥

I haven’t shared much of this before but I’m realising at this time that it is important that I DO talk about her.  It would’ve helped me a lot way back when if people were having these conversations and I know MANY are having awakenings like these – and they aren’t easy to navigate alone!

My devotion to the serpent Goddess infuses all of my offerings  – even though I never directly guide women to TRY to awaken their kundalini. No. In fact I am always weary of anyone who claims to be able to do this.

The serpent goddess will move and rise in her own time, and in her own way and should NEVER be forced. 

She demands RESPECT. And she is worthy of devotion.I’ve noticed I can’t get away with not respecting myself and my physical vessel. The shakti/energy of kundalini is high voltage and she moves much more easefully when the channels are clear and the system strong. This is why I emphasise grounding and balancing the nervous system so much in all of my offerings and also in my own practice. 🌳 This is SO important!!

The most empowering thing to me is knowing that the serpent goddess is always moving me if I let her…That I can surrender and trust in this intelligence is guiding me in all moments through the sensations in my body which is essentially my oracle!

My devotion to the serpent Goddess infuses all of my offerings – even though I never directly guide women to TRY to awaken their kundalini. No. In fact I am always weary of anyone who claims to be able to do this.

The Goddess has been spurring me and urged me to bring Shakti Yoga out into the world two years ago which really is about coming into harmony with the serpent energy and lovingly welcoming her grace.

I teach practices that help to clear and strengthen the channels in the physical vessel and energy body so that her potential arising is more graceful than it is destructive, AND so that we can tune in to the frequency of PLEASURE and DELIGHT which I experienced all those years ago in my meditation where she made herself known to me. 💖

If you would like to journey with me in this supportive container where SHAKTI is fully embraced, embodied, welcomed and celebrated -then please do! ♥️

My next Shakti Yoga course starts next Saturday 25th January and my next temple group Untaming the Serpent: 9-week women’s temple group is dedicated to our beloved serpent goddesssssssssss (Couldn’t help myself 😅 😂 😂)



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