Sacred Feminine, Womb wisdom

Something every yogini should know

Let’s talk about how traditional yoga techniques can disrupt a woman’s natural flow and actually cut her off from her power, or shakti.
In this video I speak about:
▽ How to honour the descending current of energy - the apana vayu - the energy of menstruation, birth and letting go.
▽ Why moola bandha (root lock) can be more harmful than helpful
▽ Accessing the nourishing and strengthening energy of the earth by relaxing the pelvic floor
▽ Why there are a lot of uptight yoga practitioners
▽ The value of emphasising grounding and relaxation, especially for women
▽ How stress and trauma affect the pelvic floor
▽ The passage between woman and earth as an essential energetic resource
▽ The link between the suppression of the feminine and the emphasis on ascension energy
▽ The necessity of a rooted connection to the Mother
▽ The ecstatic currents of shakti available to us and how to access them
▽ How Shakti Yoga can support women specifically and honour her natural connection to the earth and her own natural rhythms

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