Musings, Sacred Feminine, The Sacred Erotic

Why I swapped meditation for self-pleasure

Five years ago I intuitively decided to stop meditating after years of daily practice.

Instead, I dedicated that time (several hours each week) to a more literal kind of inner work - de-armouring my yoni & discovering doorways to God that were no where near my third eye 😅
This was SO radical for me, but I just knew I had to trust the call.
For once, I was being led from inside my body, rather than some externalised authority who claimed to know “the way”.
I let Goddess show me through the currents of energy in my body, rather than turning to a Guru or intermediary who apparently held the key.
My body became the teacher & I began to really trust her -to trust myself. 🐍
It actually took MORE discipline than my sitting meditation practice, to stay with it…to remain patient & present with my sensations & emotions;
To increase my bandwidth for sustained pleasure -not to mention the pain, shame, anger & grief that was unearthed in the process.
This was DEEP healing work.
I chose celibacy for this time (a couple of years in total) which felt healing after a string of traumatic relationship experiences.


I even abstained from dopamine style peak 0rgasms, choosing to go deeper & explore the unexplored, which opened me to mystical pleasure states that I did not know were possible (yet my body wisdom was guiding me towards) & mind-blowing, heart-opening rapture 💗.

I unlocked a whole lot of dormant shakti, cleared shame & distorted programming, grounded myself (some say the cervix IS the root chakra), retrieved my soul, & healed the split between my spirit & my body.
This is ongoing work of course, but for about a year this was my focus, and it radically transformed me.
I noticed that compared to a long sit, a self-pleasure practice had me feeling way more connected to the world around me, my body, my feminine energy & my creativity - not to mention - GOD!
My body wisdom & availability for subtle pleasure increased dramatically.
The world became more colourful 🌈, I felt a deep communion with nature, new levels of intimacy in all my relationships.
I reclaimed so much of myself that I had denied in the delusion that to be spiritual meant I couldn’t be s3xual.
I took SO much of my own power back. And I became WAY more discerning with who or how I engage s3xually with.
These days I tend to work with the energy of eros and pleasure in a meditative way (which I teach in Shakti Yoga) + my temple groups, tuning into the background hum of pleasure that is ever-present. 🐝
Using breath, movement, sound & attuning to currents of shakti to bring them more to life.
I’m not saying a meditation practice isn’t beneficial, but I’ve seen a lot of practitioners who are so hardcore that there’s no suppleness or softness. The feminine is repressed (sound familiar?).
It’s dry and devoid of delight. If your meditation practice means neglecting the body and our holy passion - then is it really worthwhile???

I’d love your thoughts and feelings on this! Comment below...

Love, Jasmine Rose

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