Sacred Feminine

Reclaiming the wild woman

Last night in my women’s temple group we explored the expression of deep primal sound. My invitation was to ‘let your most primal, disgusting and ugly sounds be voiced’ while I beat my drum. I was met with a lot of resistance. ⁣⁣🤔
I get it… even though I am getting more and more comfortable with this expression of myself I am still journeying with the remnants of this need to please and be seen as “nice”.

We are conditioned to PLEASE. To be PRETTY. In our past it has kept us safe and got our needs met, allowing us to belong. ⁣⁣

Our fear of displeasing is rooted in the patriarchy which is now being dismantled… and we no longer need to be bound by the past. Instead, we can choose to liberate ourselves – to no longer hold ourselves captive to ideas about how a woman “should” be. ⁣⁣

Banish all “shoulds” and “should nots”. ⁣⁣
I believe no woman can step into the fullness of who she is without meeting and embodying the raw, primal and instinctual Shakti in our root – in the parts of our bodies we’ve shamed and shied away from – that’s where she lives! ⁣⁣
This is the deep, dark feminine. She is sacred and holy. When I am in the presence of a woman who has welcomed her fully, I can feel it. And I want to be her playmate 😂⁣⁣

The natural habitat of the wild woman is – you guessed it – the wild… sensual relationship with nature is sure route to communing with this instinctual intelligence within.

Join with other women reclaiming their wild – as so much healing happens in this coming together. ⁣⁣
OWN your fierce and untamed creature, or else she will own you! ⁣⁣🐅
📷 Lauren Scaroni

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