
Seven year cycles of woman

Seven years ago, I walked into a bookstore in the throes of a very painful life initiation and was drawn to buy a copy of “Women who run with the wolves”. 🐺

My soul fire was dim and I sensed this thick paperback with tiny text carried wisdom, and that it would be medicine for me.
Not long after buying the book, which was a time of HUGE upheaval - both in my inner realms and outer world, I moved into a tiny house in the forest and spent a lot of time in solitude in deep practice, piecing myself back together and integrating some painful (but necessary!) lessons.
The book’s subtitle - “contacting the power of the wild woman”, is precisely how I would describe spending my years in deep nature - acquainting myself intimately with nature’s cycles and my feminine nature, kindling my soul fire, and gradually bringing women together to do the same.
The book had a special place on my book shelf that whole time.
It served as an oracle, and I would only ever read from it when I felt a call to - sometimes months would pass between readings, and I could only ever take a few pages at a time.
Every time, it had exactly the message I needed, and it fanned the flames of my soul fire that was growing brighter and stronger. 🔥
After working its magic, I’d mark the page I was up to and return it to the bookshelf until it called again.
Recently when I was called to read from this book I was completely blown away by what I read.
The author explained that a woman’s life is divided into phases of seven years, each phase with its own distinct learnings and experiences.
She describes seven as the number of initiation, and says:
“As woman transits through these cycles, her layers of defense, protection, density, become more and more sheer until her very soul begins to shine through.”
Then it dawned on me that I was literally at the end of a seven-year cycle, AND that when I moved into the forest I was entering a new cycle.
It helped me to make sense of the restlessness I have been feeling, and the sense of readiness to step into something even more authentically “me” (which ironically has much less to do with me 😂).
On the same day I read the passage, one of my closest girlfriends messaged me to share her revelation about the seven year cycle she was about to begin and the significance of it for her, and I could hardly believe the synchronicity! 😮
And of course, it took me seven years to finally finish the book 😅
Next month I’ll turn 35, and December will mark seven years in this home amongst the trees.
I feel myself at a threshold as I prepare to enter my 6th seven-year cycle on earth. Unexpectedly, honouring this passage feels significant.
Has anybody else noticed significant shifts in their life in relation to seven year cycles???

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