
Never the same again

Before the floods, I knew the contours of this land like a devoted lover, every curve of the creek bed was imprinted in my body memory; I cherished an intimacy with particular stones and surfaces that my body loved to mould and melt into – as if we were made for each other

And now they are gone.

The sacred rock pool I loved for so many years is now filled with rocks, unable to receive the fullness of my body in her waters.

The smooth pebbly gravel
of the well-worn trail that my feet knew so well
Has been covered sharp stones
That startle me from my trance of familiarity.

Where my feet had developed trust in the path
to bare their soles,
now they tread tenderly,

A new path is being forged now.

So much has been washed away.

I trust the cycles of life and know this is necessary.

By grieving what is lost, I am able to embrace the new.

So much beauty that has been revealed,
and blessings bestowed.

Rocks that were once sprawled with creeping vines have been stripped bare and now show their faces.

Silky sediment-rich sand in the banks of the creek offers the most luxurious sensation to sink into with naked feet, and I savour the delicious oozing between my toes.

Indigo and scarlet dragonflies captivate my gaze with their erratic and ecstatic dance.

The land is teeming with life. The rebirth is real!

The nearly full moon drenches the valley with her gentle light 
As Autumn teases through the breeze

It is time for the new
I am feeling it

How about you?

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