
The inner body experience

I once had a teacher who would boast about her out of body experiences.

There was a certain pride with being so distant from the body amongst this community. I used to aspire for that too. And yet now, that couldn’t be further from the truth.

I’m here for the sacred immanence. To be so close, on the inside of this human experience, that the Divine can be touched, tasted, sensed and LOVED as a presence that is right here.

Nearer than near.

I’m interested in how fully HERE we can be.

How totally can we love, and be loved? In all our humanness, and all of divinity alike?

This is the rose-scented legacy of Mary Magdalene, whose beauty and grace lights my path.

Embodied awakening is my path.

This is the sacred feminine way ????

This is what I teach and transmit in all of my offerings.

In Shakti Yoga wecultivate this capacity to feel deeply.
To be moved.
To be touched.
To experience a sweet soul-saturating intimacy

A Romance with the Real, if you will!

Or, to use a term one sister shared with me recently – to have an INNER BODY experience.

If you’d like to learn Shakti Yoga, you can start the 7-week immersion anytime and take it at your own pace here.

If the Pathways of becoming a Shakti Yoga teacher calls you, read more/Apply here:♥️

This training is a potent rite of passage, and women who wish to dive deep on this path of shakti are welcome to apply, whether for their own personal journey, or to become a certified facilitator of this precious and powerful practice.

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