Musings, Poetry

These eyes

π“‚€ Somebody asked me yesterday if these were my real eyes πŸ˜…
She was utterly convinced they were contacts. I chuckled, knowing real is how I roll, and told her that yes, they are my real eyes.

Fascinated, she probed further, not fully certain it could be so. I smiled and felt my heart beam through my eyes ever brighter, gently coaxing her heart forth. As I met the beauty in her eyes, I knew she was seeing herself in mine.

Without words, I told her this:

These are the eyes of a woman who keeps her soul fire lit, and tends to it religiously so that it doesn’t waver π“‚€

These are the eyes of a woman who has let endless tears of heartbreak, grief and beauty cleanse and wash away the dross. π“‚€

These are the eyes of a woman who has her sights wholeheartedly set on the most Luminous One π“‚€

These are the eyes of a woman who has dived to the depths of her soul to uncover the buried treasures thereπ“‚€

These are the eyes of a woman who prays, often, to see beauty in all things; to see things as they really are.π“‚€

These are the eyes of a woman who longs to be seen, and therefore reveals herself, tenderly – and more of than not, timidly. π“‚€

These are the eyes of a woman who lives for intimacy; who longs to see as much as she longs to be seen π“‚€

These are the eyes of a woman who lets the beauty that touches her eyes enter all the way into her heart. π“‚€

These are the eyes of a woman who has vowed to see through the eyes of love; to behold with compassion.π“‚€

These are the eyes of a woman who dares to see herself for who she really is- the beauty and the beastly- promising not to not look away, no matter what she sees π“‚€

Tell me, beloved – if I were to look into your eyes, what would I see????

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