Sacred Feminine

Last night I danced naked around a fire

Last night I danced naked around a fire with four women.

Between us we spanned four decades, ranging from our 20s to 60s

As we entered the trance of dance and day turned into night, we stripped down to nothing.

Now and then I scanned the circle, in deep appreciation of the dancing bodies in all their naked glory, lit only by the fire and gentle moonlight.

Afterwards we came in close, still naked. We sat directly on the earth in stillness, feeling the ripples of our ritual. Feeling a deep sense of bonding and a whole lot of magick.

Everything about it felt so right.

So natural

Just how it should be.

This morning I feel so clear and energised.

My hair smells like smoke and my spirit is revived.

I woke up bright and easily, well before I normally rise.

My body feels really good.

Dancing around a fire always does that to me.

It’s a simple ritual but it is always powerful.

A big piece of this is stripping down to nothing. There is something SO liberating about it. So much gets unburdened.

I hear from women all the time that dancing naked around a fire is something they long for, but perhaps never have the opportunity to do.

My co-conspirator Pasha Lyndi and I have decided to host regular events like this where you can come and experience this ritual for yourself. Read more about it here!

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