Sacred Feminine

Softness gives us strength

I’m all for the online sisterhoods, but there are some things that relating in the online world will NEVER replace, which is one of the reasons I am so passionate about gathering women in circle. ⁣⁣

Touch is one of them. And it’s a biggie… ⁣⁣
Touch can heal  ⁣⁣
Touch can bring comfort ⁣⁣
Touch can nurture ⁣
Touch FEELS GOOD!!! ⁣⁣
Touch is a key part of our Shakti Circle practice & usually the most-loved part of our circles! (I know is is mine)⁣⁣
Even women who have partners or children and are regularly receiving touch report this part of our Shakti Circle as being so deeply needed &satisfying… ⁣
We always ground & connect with our hearts first… ⁣⁣

I guide practices to inhabit your own body before creating safety to connect with each other through touch.⁣
I always witness how incredibly natural this way of connecting is for women & a feeling of “oh my gosh I didn’t realise how much I needed this!” (I hear this ALL the time!) ⁣⁣
On a chemical level, touch provides a good dose of oxytocin – the love hormone -which creates feelings of belonging, connection & safety. It’s the quality of connection that counts -so many feel isolated & alone even if they spend a lot of time with other people! ⁣⁣
Touch can open our hearts to receive & equally to feel the satisfaction of supporting another to open & soften. ⁣⁣
The ripple effect is that we feel more “full” & there is less need to look for comfort & fulfilment in unhealthy places. ⁣⁣
The benefit of this kind of connection is that we are fortified -we move into the world feeling stronger in ourselves, knowing on a cellular level that we are supported. ⁣⁣
For me, touch is the quickest & most reliable route to deep relaxation & a strengthening balm that creates a buffer of sorts as I move out into the world with my heart undefended. ⁣⁣
Truly sisters, this is medicine. We need this.⁣
Check out my upcoming Shakti Circle offerings here 

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